Zielona 7 is a project by Healthy Bike association, started as part of the Teraz Rower campaign in 2015. The idea to designate and popularize this route was already created in 2009 when it was the first time we traveled the route Warsaw – Gdańsk.
The main goal of Green 7 is to popularize cycling tourism, we want to show an alternative way of spending holidays and at the same time do not impose too much, and same time giving cyclists a lot of freedom in planning their trips.
The project is gradually being developed, we also expect contribution from people who overcome the route and share their experience with us.
The route has quickly become a popular route not only for Warsaw residents but also for cyclists from all over the country, each year we receive a lot of messages from people who have crossed this route.
The project’s success depends to a large extent on the support of sponsors and local self-governments. We hope that with additional help you will be able to make your route more attractive and reach a larger group of cyclists